Hanufa Begum with the chanachur she has made

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Zul Mukhida

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Research Projects

Organizational Units

Journal Issue

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From vulnerability to resilience 5000325


This five year project, which is being implemented over the period 2009-2013, builds upon the experiences from earlier projects implemented by Practical Action in Bangladesh. Many families in the target areas have so few possessions that even a small natural disaster is enough to destroy their ability to survive. Enabling them to prepare in advance of a flood, to gather their children, livestock and belongings and be confident that they will have safe passage to a flood-free area, will literally change lives. The overall objective of the project, therefore, is to provide poor women and their families, in disaster-prone Sirajganj district of Bangladesh, with the skills and opportunities to build more secure, resilient livelihoods. As a result, people will be able to better meet their nutritional needs and cope with hazards, such as river flooding, land erosion and flash floods, which threaten their livelihoods. The lessons learned will be shared at national, regional and international levels to help maximize the long-term impacts of the project. As a direct result of this 5-year project, the poorest families of Sirajganj will have reduced their risk of losing assets by 50%, enabling them to look forward to a more independent and secure future. The project’s main outputs and activities are: Output 1: Participatory vulnerability assessments conducted 1.1. Conduct participatory vulnerability assessment 1.2. Mobilize 100 community-based groups 1.3. Build capacity of staff and local institutions on PVA and other technology solutions improved Output 2: Community-based disaster risk reduction plans implemented 2.1. Form CBOs 2.2. Develop village based disaster risk reduction (DRR) plans 2.3. Develop 200 volunteers 2.4. Provide emergency infrastructure support (rescue and ambulance boats) 2.5. CBOs manage disaster contingency fund and saving schemes 2.6. CBOs promote DRR plans at union and upazila levels Output 3: Vital assets and services protected 3.1. Protect homes 3.2. Protect water sources and sanitation facilities 3.3. Provide linkages to vital health and education services 3.4. Protect productive assets 3.5. Build capacity on emergency food and important seed storage Output 4: Resilient livelihoods strengthened 4.1. Establishment of nurseries and supply of saplings/seedlings to the communities 4.2. Training in small animal farming 4.3. Community-based fish farming 4.4. Floating gardening 4.5. Home garden production 4.6. Skills training





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