Improved cooking stoves
Ella Jolly
Issue Date
Alternative Title
5000156 Cleaner and Healthier Home Environment
The goal of this project is to contribute to wellbeing and improvement of health through the reduction of exposure to indoor air pollution and the negative impacts on health associated with household energy use in Kisumu, Kenya. It will improve the health of low income households through scaling up, wider use, and uptake of improved biomass cooking technologies and to create market mechanisms for production, marketing and dissemination of efficient and improved smoke reducing interventions. Objectives • To increase the level of understanding, knowledge, education and attitude change among communities in Western Kenya on the impact of smoke on the health of mothers and children. • To promote the uptake existing technologies and adopt new ones that both reduce smoke in the kitchen and improve the efficient use of fuel wood • To strengthen the capacity producers, installers to provide quality smoke reducing and fuel saving interventions • To undertake marketing expansion and sustenance of products and services • To influence policy dialogue and review to incorporate household indoor air quality as one of the public health requirements Outputs Improved availability of tested technologies Increased production of quality household cooking technologies and the establishment of marketing networks to effectively serve the target communities Disseminating experiences from the project to stimulate policy debate thus placing IAQ on the national health agenda Training toolkit developed and in use to raise awareness for primary-care health workers Demonstration kitchens in strategic locations within the community to influence uptake of intervention Awareness on dangers of smoke among target household increased by 70% Primary schools’ competitions - essays, posters, poems etc.
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