Members of the cage fisheries group
Hilary Warburton
Issue Date
Food , Agriculture , Disasters
Alternative Title
EC Food Facility - IA25000357BAN
25 members in Producer group “Budonili Bha Bon Matshya Dal” “Brother and Sisters” fisheries group Budonili, Union: Magura Binod, Upzila Taras, District Sirajgonj Meeting: 19 women and one man (Group President) at the meeting. Each had been given 2 fish cages of about 1 cubic metre, plus tilapia fingerlings and 14kg of food. They have not harvested the fish yet. They have regular fortnightly meetings to discuss progress and learn about fish production. They intend to sell the fish when they are big enough and use the money to reinvest into more fish production. There are 18 ponds in the village: most of the groups members do not own them and have negotiated individually to be allowed to put their cages in the ponds. They did not pay anything upfront to use the ponds but many have relatives with ponds and this helped the negotiations. They will give some fish to the owner when they are harvested; also the owner has the benefit of some of the fish food that falls through the cages into the pond – thus supplying the owner’s own fish. The women were aware of the short duration of the project and the need to make their own provisions for continuing to invest in future production. They did say that fish cages were difficult for the poorest people because of the need to pay for the fish feed.
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