Adam Sabil Adam - Fasher Rural Development Network

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Elizabeth Dunn

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Agriculture , Environment , Water and Sanitation

Research Projects

Organizational Units

Journal Issue

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The Fasher Rural Development Network is made up of a group from multiple local villages and they hold monthly meetings. They discuss the projects they are working on and discuss any issues or complaints. The group was established in 2005 and they support 57 village committees which have approximately 20-30 members each. In times of conflict, it was difficult for Practical Action to reach rural areas. The El Fasher office faced kidnapping and had to close for a short time due to the threat. During this time, the networks were able to carry on with their work and reach the rural communities and help them. Before the Network was formed, there were societies in each village. 18 of these societies were invited to a meeting with Practical Action and the Network was formed to enable the 18 villages in Darfur to come together and deliver services on behalf of Practical Action. Movement was still difficult in the beginning and was limited even for the Network due to the conflict. The Network chose their name and elected a leader – Adam Sabil Adam. The Network was registered as a local and independent NGO in March 2006, it took 6 months to register. Practical Action provided important and extensive training to the network. To begin with they were dependent on Practical Action but with their new skills, they were able to become more independent and develop relationships with other NGO’s (WFP, UNICEF, FAO, World Bank, UN Habitat, British Council for Kids etc.) They now write their own proposals and have their own power. The Networks' areas of work cover: Water Environment Peace Building (Demarcation) - Their network can bring both sides together Education The Network covers an area of 300km (11 localities, North, South and East Darfur) Training was received in: Administration and management Writing project proposals Meeting management Advocacy Finance Mediation The Network now trains in: Peace building Sustainability The Network reaches approximately 100,000 every year. Some of their members have lost their lives in conflict areas. “Practical Action established us from nothing. It’s like raising children, children cannot leave their parent. Practical Action is our parent. Because of the training, we are empowered by Practical Action. Practical Action is like a reference of development, a source of knowledge to us. Practical Action leads the initiative and brings us all together.” The Network enables the work to keep going. It is imperitive for sustainability of projects. They are able to work in areas that Practical Action may not be able to. The Network is currently: Delivering training to 6 communities Implementing a Wadi Digging hand pumps Hafir and dam work 500 terraces for 5 villages








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