Ruma Kala Kafle, 45 yrs old outside her home, with tomatoe and cabbage plantation supported by Practical Actions DRR Project (Disaster Risk Reduction). This is an area of drought but due to the DRR projects development of an irrigation system agriculture has flourished, sustaining families and food security. Pragatinagar, Nawalparasi, Nepal 26.02.2010
Anna de la Vega
Issue Date
30/01/2015 , 06/06/2011
Alternative Title
Disaster Risk Reduction IA11900007INT
Name of the project: Mainstreaming Livelihood Centered Approach to Disaster Risk Reduction Funding: DFID, Conflict and Humanitarian Fund Project Location: Two Village Development Committees (VDCs) of Chitwan (Megauli, Patihani), Three VDCs of Nawalparashi (Pragatinagar, Divyapuri, Devchuli) Partner NGOs: MADE Nepal (Chitwan), SAHAMATI (Nawalparashi) Project Duration: 4 Years (Jan 2007 – Dec 2010) Objectives: The main purpose of the project is to make national and local development and disaster plans more responsive and effective in enabling poor communities to reduce disaster risks that threaten their livelihoods. The specific objectives are: 1. Reduce the risk of vulnerable communities to disasters by improving their socio-economic status 2. Enhance the capacity of stakeholders at different levels to adopt livelihood centered approach to disaster risk reduction. Expected output: 1. Systems established to link Community Based Disaster Management (CBDM) into district and national development and disaster planning 2. Guidelines and training materials developed on practical approaches to disaster management (DM) 3. Lessons learnt shared with different stakeholders and policy makers 4. Policy makers at different levels influenced to adopt livelihood-centered approach to disaster management Broad Level Activities: 1. Review of national strategy, policy and practices on disaster management 2. Study and document the intensity and frequency of disasters in selected areas 3. Explore and document indigenous knowledge (IK) and community practices on disaster management 4. Identify and promote alternative livelihood options and technologies suitable for local area and link with market that help reduce the risks to disasters 5. Facilitate preparation of community based disaster management plan at Village Development Committee (VDC) level 6. Conduct different trainings and workshops to increase the capacity of vulnerable communities on disaster management as well as on-farm and off-farm activities 7. Facilitate VDC level disaster management committee to implement their plan of disaster management 8. Facilitate VDC level disaster management committee to establish linkage with government and private/public sector service providers for policy influence and necessary support 9. Produce booklets, leaflets and posters covering the case studies, success stories and good practices of the project 10. Prepare training guidelines and study materials related to CBDM and livelihood centered approach for disaster management in Nepali 11. Establish a network of organizations working in disaster management 12. Share project findings with different stakeholders in both government and non-government sectors 13. Produce position paper based on the learning of the field activities and organize meetings and dialogue with policy makers and planners
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