Villagers Building a shelter in Colquencha.
Monica Cuba
Issue Date
Food , Agriculture , Economic Development
Alternative Title
The specific objective is to strengthen the livelihoods of the inhabitants of the municipality and the institutional strengthening related to local economic development (LED). Currently, farm families have low levels of assets that enable them to overcome the risks and vulnerabilities weather, market and political circumstances leading to the development of its main activity is only allowed to subsist on low incomes, food insecurity, strong levels of malnutrition. A comprehensive intervention strategy is to increase its knowledge and skills, natural resources (grazing animals), physical infrastructure), social organization and financial sustainability. 8,000 people will benefit from this project. The specific outcomes are: Peasant farmers have improved their technical-productive capacities and management of natural resources. 650 families have improved productivity of pastures, milk and crops; 300 families grow more profitable vegetable crops; and producers manage conservation areas. Peasant families and producers have productive rural infrastructure and safe water supply. 400 peasants benefit from irrigated crops or pastures; 400 families benefit from rural drinking troughs; and the local population is replicating fodder conversation techniques. Over 600 producers benefit from the technical assistance provided by 30 farmer promoters. Association of Promoters successfully negotiates for new services and activities that benefit even more farmers. 3 local productive organisations are stronger and more able to establish links with markets. These organisations effectively manage irrigation systems; water supply services; and the local Municipal Government has increased its productive investments by 30%.
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