Grain storage in Sadepani, Kailali.
Upendra Shrestha
Issue Date
30/01/2015 , 06/08/2009
Agriculture , Economic Development
Alternative Title
IA25000175NEP - SABAL Sustainable Agriculture Bazaar
Sustainable agriculture with bazaar for advancing livelihoods of conflict-affected poor people (SABAL) The overall objective of the project is to improve the socio-economic conditions of conflict affected people in three western districts of Nepal, by: - Rebuilding their confidence to engage in livelihood development activities - Creation and diversification of livelihood opportunities - Improved access to extension and business services and inputs - Improved market chain linkages and coordination It will take a three-pronged approach: 1. Initiate confidence building activities, rehabilitating water systems, health posts and high schools and providing counselling services in co-ordination with local government. 2. Implement livelihood development activities, vegetable cultivation, fish farming and cash cropping to generate income. To ensure sustainability of livelihood development initiatives the project will work with producers and key actors in market systems (service providers, traders and buyers) to identify the constraints and opportunities in promising market chains. Using a participatory approach to developing market systems for the poor will build trust and collaboration which will contribute to the long term sustainability of the actions. 3. Build cohesion through social mobilization, the project will build the capacity of beneficiary communities to form groups to articulate, plan and implement various development options. Sustainability - The project will adopt an approach that is participatory, inclusive, transparent and gender equitable, involving local partners and communities in all aspects of the project cycle. - The participating beneficiaries will be provided with materials on a cost-sharing basis, the criteria for which will be developed by the group themselves. The contribution from the beneficiary communities will be deposited into group funds to grow into saving and credit schemes. - Young women and men will be trained in skills such as veterinary (paravets), agriculture & fishery, enterprise development so that such skills will be available locally as well as to help them to engage in income generating activities. Those trained will, in return, train others to multiply the acquired skills. Target beneficiaries - 61,203 people from 9,257 households from 26 Village Development Committees (VDCs) in Achham, Doti and Kailali districts of western Nepal. - Young people, dalits, ethnic minorities and marginalised communities who have suffered from the conflict, poverty and social exclusion. These conflict affected households have landholdings of less than 0.6 hectare with income of less than $2 per day. Out of these targeted population more than 60% are from marginalised communities and 50% are women. Project outputs This project aims to achieve: - 40% increase in income of 9,257 conflict affected households - 30% increase in local employment - 50% increase in income of 130 landless conflict-affected households - Provision of high value cash crop farming and fish farming to 9075 households and better credit facilities - Safe drinking water to 506 households and irrigation facilities in 10.43 hectares of land 3 functional farmer cooperatives with 371 saving and credit groups and 6 equipped market cum collection centres 60% of returnees using their assets on their daily needs and livelihood activities - 9075 conflict affected households adopted high value and cash crops and/or fish farming - 35 youths self employed in carpentry, agriculture and veterinary services - Young people equipped with better life skills to enable them to engage in responsible and informed decisions about their future Activities 1. Confidence building initiatives such as supporting the rehabilitation of small-scale water schemes for drinking water and irrigation, and counselling 2. Social mobilisation activities such as building group cohesion and trust, reintegration, asset protection and development 3. On-farm and off-farm income opportunities for youth, women and marginalised groups 4. Establishment of market information systems 5. Capacity development of producers to adopt demand-based production systems 6. Adoption of improved farming techniques to increase agricultural productivity 7. Value addition to farm produce to increase profitability 8. Establishment of market linkage and networking among producers, buyers and intermediaries 9. Enhancing the organisational capacity of the farmer groups to market their produce and seek support services 10. Building institutional sustainability through federating the users committee into cooperatives and linking them with the regional and/or national level networks Project partner Social Empowerment and Building Accessibility Centre (SEBAC) Nepal - a local NGO is the implementation partner of this project. SEBAC-Nepal has extensive experience working on farm and off-farm income generating activities including development of infrastructures for the past eight years. 90% of the total project budget is provided by the European Union.
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