Carmen Apo
Practical Action Bolivia
Issue Date
Economic Development , Gender
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Carmen Apo—the leader In the outskirts of Palos Blancos, approximately 1 hour in distance, one finds the community of Tucupi, where lives Carmen Cadelaria Apo (37) and 22 other women who are members of the community, but also founders of the first women’s association of the area. Carmen is the president of the association of entrepreneurial women Tucupi. On the 27th May, in a conversation with friends, she suggested the idea of founding an association. 3 years later, they organised to formalise it and set it up. Carmen Apo has run it since, as the president. At 37 and with two children, Carmen carries on working hard with her colleagues so that through AMET they can increase the income of their families of the members, and also can lighten the hard work of the women in the community, avoiding the crossing of El Chaco. With this aim, in 2015, Carmen got in contact with Practical action and presented the profile to the association. “When we had the first meeting with Don Efrain, he was interested in us, I summoned him to a meeting with the association, and we have entered into an agreement and we said “Yes, Enter!”” The projects and the dryer While Carmen spoke to us about her history, her colleagues were found working and painting the coffee dryer, one of the first projects that the association held with the support of Practical Action and Christian Aid, so that the women can obtain fast results. One of the main interests in the production of cocoa for the association is the company El Ceibo that has their productive base in the municipality Palos Blancos, which belongs to Tucupi. Furthermore, they cultivate plantain, agave, bananas in places, and also are dedicated to the growth of chickens. The dryer will soon be ready and available to the women of the community. “So women stand out too, when there is something in charge or they are in an organisation”. Before the Association of Entrepreneurial Women of Tucupi, the women were not considered for any job outside of the house or their role as mothers, and breeding of the social, or cultural etc.; and it is for this reason that one of the main objectives for what Carmen fights for daily and the association stays firm, is so that these women are members of the same thing, they can learn to be leaders and give their opinions without fear or shame. “I want women to be leaders, to be trained in leadership, for this reason also we exist”. Although currently some communities underestimate AMET, Carmen is sure that this organisation serves as an example for all women. It will be even better when the dryer is finished and it starts to give fruits. Sat on a log to the side of the dryer and staring, the same Carmen hopes for the future for AMET remains firm with all the members but that also can export its products abroad. It is certain that things will improve as long as the organization, teamwork of all the ladies and the constancy stays the same.