Disaster Risk Reduction

Disaster risk reduction looks at low cost but effective actions that can be taken in preparation of a potential disaster which can have a very effective impact.

Practical Answers is the Technical Information Service of Practical Action. It provides information on appropriate, small-scale technologies that improve the lives of people living in poverty. It allows you to access the wealth of technical knowledge within Practical Action as well as that of our partners and other people working to reduce poverty.


Recent Submissions

Now showing 1 - 5 of 98
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    Raised granaries and nurseries
    Zurich Flood Resilience Alliance
    This solution brief forms part of the Zurich Flood Resilience Alliance's solutions series. The solution series aims to improve outreach and impact of such resilient practices at a global level. This brief details how smallholder farmers in villages on the flood plains of the Karnali river system in Nepal are using raised nurseries and granaries to protect their seedlings and food grains from seasonal floods and unseasonal heavy rain.
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    Improved Community Flood Resilience - Impact Brief Aug 2022
    (2022) Action, Practical
    Practical Action is working with communities to make resilience a way of life, finding ways to adapt to and prepare for flood events. We share our knowledge and experience of what works with communities, practitioners, and decisionmakers.
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    Territorial Landslide Early Warning Systems: Monitoring and Warning - infographic
    (2022-07-29) Budimir, Mirianna
    This infographic provides an overview of monitoring and warning for territorial landslide early warning systems for practitioners, donors, and researchers in developing countries. It was produced by the Science for Humanitarian Emergencies and Resilience (SHEAR) programme and the LandAware network.
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    Introduction to Landslide Early Warning Systems - video
    (2022-07-29) Budimir, Mirianna
    This short video provides an introduction to landslide early warning systems for practitioners, donors, and researchers in developing countries. It was produced by the Science for Humanitarian Emergencies and Resilience (SHEAR) programme and the LandAware network.
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    Local Landslide Early Warning Systems: Monitoring and Warning - infographic
    (2022-07-29) Budimir, Mirianna
    This infographic provides an overview of monitoring and warning for local landslide early warning systems for practitioners, donors, and researchers in developing countries. It was produced by the Science for Humanitarian Emergencies and Resilience (SHEAR) programme and the LandAware network.
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