
Crop drying is a good preservation technique and can be a good income generating activity.

Practical Answers is the Technical Information Service of Practical Action. It provides information on appropriate, small-scale technologies that improve the lives of people living in poverty. It allows you to access the wealth of technical knowledge within Practical Action as well as that of our partners and other people working to reduce poverty.


Recent Submissions

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    تجفيف الخضر والفاكهة
    (Practical Action, United Kingdom, 2015) Practical Action Sudan
    يحتوى هذا الدليل على كيفية تصنيع الخضر والفاكهة والمربيات والعصائر ويوضح كيفية تخزين وإعداد وحفظ وتصنيع الأغذية لاتباع نظام غذائي صحي على مدار السنة
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    DRYIT Batch Tray Dryer in Zip dwg file
    (Practical Action, United Kingdom, 2015) Andrew Russell; Practical Action
    Drawings show a double chamber batch dryer used for drying foods and herbs in Zip dwg files.
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    Un Secador Simple
    (Practical Action, United Kingdom, 2015) Neil Noble; Practical Action; Eva Gutierrez; Cristóbal Villasante
    Este secador es una construcción de ladrillos de barro hecha cerca del suelo que utiliza únicamente materiales de bajo costo. Practical Action Nepal ha promovido este tipo de secador en partes remotas del país. Este secador solar fue una inserción popular debido a su eficacia, viabilidad económica, simplicidad y practicidad higiénica.
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    DRYIT - Construccion de la Secadora de Bandejas
    (Practical Action, United Kingdom, 2011) Barrie Axtell; Andrew Jones; Barrie Axtell; Andrew Jones; Practical Action
    Guía completa sobre cómo construir esta secadora de bandejas. Do a better description like English one? Comprehensive guide on how to make Practical Action's tray dryer, consisting of a cabinet of trays and connected to a thermostatically controlled heat source.
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    Solar Drying in Peru
    (Practical Action, Latin America, 2011) Giannina Solari; Giannina Solari; Practical Action
    Bruno Caracchini has followed up on his idea of producing and marketing dehydrated fruit. His business is in the pilot stage.
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